Avoiding that sinking feeling while writing test code stubs

If you’re a software developer, tell me you’ve never uttered these words to yourself while writing tests… “Oh I couldn’t be bothered… I’m just going to write the code” Writing test suites is a cathartic exercise. It clears your thoughts. It stops you from going down “how will it” rabbit holes and sends you instead…

Adding storage to the Air Opus 4 berth camper trailer…

We picked up a new Air Opus 4 sleeper trailer earlier this year, and have loved how easy it is to set-up and tear down. But when buying it we were aware that there was less effective storage space in the beast than there is in our old trailer. So the hunt was on to…

Warm Winter camping… Yay!

We recently decided to go down the road of upgrading our old camp trailer to a new Air Opus. The rationale was to make setup and tear down significantly easier. So we visited the Caravan and Camping Show and before I knew it we had bought one! We have had it out three times this…

How totally cool!

Tonight I thought I’d pay the girls a visit to make sure they had enough water. I tend to do little things like this at night on the assumption the girls are all in the hive quietly. I was wrong. To my complete surprise I found a bunch of the girls busily buzzing around the…

PAX Melbourne, 2017

A beautiful day in Melbourne, and I found myself in the huge, darkened hall that is the Melbourne Convention Centre to help supervise my son and his friends at PAX Melbourne.